
Guidelines for
Parents / Guardians

The school earnestly solicits and indeed requires the maximum cooperation of parents from day to day, especially by ensuring regular attendance and discipline of your ward. You are expected to monitor your wards progress by checking their diaries and notebooks regularly. Your constant interest in the progress of your child is not only your prime responsibility but will also be greatly appreciated. Therefore:

- Parents should make it a point to attend functions organized by the school for them such as Parent-Teacher Meets, Result/report card Day, XPTAAnnual General Body Meet, etc.

- In the event a parent fails to attend a parent-teacher meet on a report card day, you are requested not to send your ward to school until you meet the class teacher and take the report card. Tutors, elder brother/sisters, relatives, neighbours or any other unauthorized persons are not allowed to attend these meetings on behalf of the parent, unless the parent requests for the same in writing for a valid reason.

- Parents are informed that occasional reports from the teachers or administrators are to be countersigned as proof that they have read them and must understand that failure or refusal to do so may put the child to great inconvenience.

- When communicating with the school authorities the parents are requested to mention in their letters the full name, standard, section and roll no. of your child.

- Parents, guardians and other persons should not visit the classes or interact with the teachers, except with the approval of the Principal or the vice principal. Parents and guardians should bring along the ID card provided whenever they visit the school.

- Criticism of a teacher and the school in the presence of the students should be scrupulously avoided, because it causes the child to lose respect for the teacher and the school, with the consequent failure to learn from him/her. Should you have any legitimate complaint, meet the Principal or the Secretary of the school without fear of reprisal.

- The parents and guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate terms to the Management. In the daily running of the school the Principal is given the discretionary power to take decisions in conformity with the rules and regulations of the school and as guided by the Governing Body.

- Students in higher classes should put in minimum two and a half hours of private work/study at home in order to finish their home tasks and prepare their lessons. The home tasks must be done very neatly and completely each day.

- Private tuitions are not encouraged; students of are not permitted to take tuitions from the teachers of this school without the approval of the Principal. Anybody violating this rule will have to leave the school.

- A child who is ill should not be sent to school to attend class or to take tests. If a child reports sick in the school or reports of habitual sickness, he/she shall be sent back home immediately. The school does not provide medical treatment except first aid. In case a child falls sick or has an unforeseen accident, immediately parents will be called and it will be parents' responsibility to take the child back home for proper treatment.

- In case of a prolonged illness parents are requested to inform the school and send him/her to school only after he/she has fully recovered. A medical certificate from a medical practitioner will be required in such cases when he/she returns from a prolonged illness. Cases of illness are settled on the basis of the term's work in consultation with the teacher/s concerned and the previous records.

- Parents or guardians are especially requested to notify the school of any change in their address/telephone number in writing.

- The management has always deemed it incumbent upon its staff and the teachers to treat the parents of their students with exemplary respect and courtesy. The same measure of reciprocation of respect is expected from the parents towards the Principal, the teachers and other members of the staff of the school in order to gain better understanding, harmony and cooperation.

- No parent is permitted to take any action against any other student for his/her misconduct. Contrary to this rule, if parent does so, then the parent will be asked to withdraw his/her ward from the school. If matters take a serious turn then the case may be referred to the civil authority concerned.

- If a parent has a grievance to make, then he/she should lodge a written complaint with the Principal stating all details. Accordingly matters will be looked into and steps to rectify the wrong if any will be taken.

- Should a parent misbehave with the Principal/Teacher or staff of the school, then the Management of the School is completely empowered with the right to strike of the name of the respective child off the rolls of the school.

- It is the parent's duty to go through the rules and regulations given in the diary. Any infringement of any rule enshrined herein will not be condoned on a claim of ignorance of the same.

- The management reserves the right to amend, add, subtract or modify these rules from time to time for the better running of the school. The management also reserves the right to amend the fee structure according to its financial burden and commitment.